This morning, after her feeding, Lily and I got ready to go in for her first pediatrician appointment. She was wide awake after being fed and changed:
But by the time I had her all covered up, she was sleeping comfortably:
Getting ready to ride in the car for her first pediatrician appointment
Photo © Chip Bennett, all rights reserved.
Her appointment went really well. She was in the 50th percentile for her weight, height, and head circumference; and everything looked great: her cord, skin tone, alertness, scare response, head/muscle control, and everything else.
Probably most encouraging, she weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz, which means that she has gained 7oz since leaving the hospital two days ago, when she weighed 7 lbs 7 oz!
Stephanie is doing well, if still tired. Lily fed once last night, sleeping four hours on either side of that feeding, so we were able to get a little longer sleep. Steph wasn't feeling up to dealing with the stairs this morning, so she stayed home while I took Lily in for her appointment. Otherwise, she seems to be doing well. Her pain meds are keeping her mostly comfortable, though she has a couple periods through the day when she is less comfortable. Fortunately, she's been able to nap between feedings, so each day gets a little bit better.