Lily has been making so many advances lately!
First, she is so proud of herself for being able to pick up her food and put it in her mouth:
Lily is excited to eat her cereal puffs by picking them up herself!
Photo © Chip Bennett, all rights reserved.
More recently, she has been trying so hard to pull herself up. The first time she accomplished the feat (this past Friday evening), it was so brief that I couldn't get a picture. Not to worry; when I went into her room to get her up from her nap yesterday, here is what I found:
Lily standing up in her crib, exploring her nursery.
Photo © Chip Bennett, all rights reserved.
And when I called her Papaw to wish him a happy birthday yesterday evening, Lily decided she would show off for him:
Lily standing up in the living room, showing off on her Papaw's birthday.
Photo © Chip Bennett, all rights reserved.
I haven't gotten any pictures yet of her other new discovery: looking at things upside down. Lily loves to see anything and everything upside-down. She will throw her head - or even her whole body - backward in order to look around the room, or at the paintings on the wall, or even just Mom and Dad. She is also becoming amazingly expressive; some of her facial expressions are just adorable - or hilarious.
Steph and I marvel at what a fun and exciting time we are experiencing in Lily's life. She is learning so much, and becoming more inquisitive and adventurous. We already know that part of moving into our house will mean installing outlet covers, cabinet locks, baby gates, and all of the other required "baby-proofing" that we'll have to do. But we wouldn't have it any other way!