OYB March 22

Filed in ReligionTags: Christianity, Devotions, One Year Bible

Today´s reading:
OT: Numbers 33:40-56, Numbers 34, Numbers 35
NT: Luke 5:12-28
Ps: Psalm 65
Pr: Proverbs 11:23

Today´s notable verse:

20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." 21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?" 22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, "Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'? 24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." He said to the paralyzed man, "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." 25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."

Luke 5:20-26 (NIV)

Jesus here very clearly demonstrates that He is God. What the Pharisees say is true: none but God can forgive sin. But note that Jesus doesn't merely claim deity; He demonstrates it by healing the man. Jesus also demonstrates here that He is ultimately concerned with spiritual healing, even while He provides physical healing. Much more beneficial to the man lying on the mat in this story is his spiritual well-being, and it is this need that Jesus first addresses. Because of his faith, his sins are forgiven him. This spiritual healing benefits the man. His physical healing also benefits the man, but Jesus uses it to honor Himself as God and to bring glory to the Father by demonstrating his power, love, and compassion.

The One Year Bible Blog asks:

Psalm 65 has some amazing verses about nature! ...When is the last time you have been inspired to shout for joy to God for the beautiful sunset he created? ...When is the last time you have stood in complete silence before God because of his beautiful Creation?

I have always found nature - God's creation - to be incredibly inspiring. Sometimes I am inspired to act, and other times I am inspired in complete silence and stillness. Though there are moments of the former (a particularly glorious daybreak that compels me to worship, usually in song), it is the latter in which I usually find myself inspired by nature. Somehow, actions or words seem likely to spoil the moment, to adulterate the experience, and to detract from awe and glory of God in which I find myself. I would much rather still myself and comtemplate and meditate upon the great and awesome God we serve - powerful and imaginative enough to create our universe, yet caring and considerate enough to create the universe in such a way to meet our every need and provide for our benefit and enjoyment.