Goals and a Milestone

Filed in PersonalTags: Palliative Polemic

I think today has been a really good day. When I went to check my campus mail before Design, I had a little blue slip. Now, those familiar with the Rose-Hulman mail room know that little blue slips are very good, because they mean that you have received a package. I was actually expecting a package. As I was talking to my parents on the phone last night, my mom mentioned that she had ordered a pair of jeans for me. I wear Eddie Bauer jeans, and I had asked her to order a new pair for me, since there are no Eddie Bauer stores around here. As I requested, she ordered a pair of 38-inch waist jeans (38-30 to be exact), because the pair of 40's that I have are getting loose. Now, at the beginning of January, I was wearing 44's. I have not been able to wear 38's since about my sophomore year of high school (for those of you keeping count, that's about seven years ago). So, when I got home from classes, I just had to try them on. And they actually fit! I've actually lost 6 inches off of my waist in less then two and a half months. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about that.

I also dropped out of the musical today. My "official" excuse was that the first weekend of the show is the same weekend that I have my fraternity's spring initiation and also our spring formal. It is true, I really do want to attend both, since they will be my last as an undergraduate. But had I been given a better role, or even if the chorus had more than our paltry ten minutes of stage time, I could, and probably would have, made an exception.

I started my work study today. I'll be working the hour between my Design and Health Safety and Loss classes, as well as the three hours between Statistics and tennis practice, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Also, for the rest of March, I'll be working 7-9 at night for the Alumni Phonathon, on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That comes out to like 24 hours a week, but I need the money. I'm working in the Alumni Relations office. I worked there my freshman year, and they've been begging me to come back ever since then. This is the first time since then that I've had free time to actually work. Yeah, I keep pretty busy; but then, you probably already figured that out.

Ironically, tennis practice was canceled today. Pretty much all the snow has melted off, and today was maybe low 50's, sunny, and not very windy. But apparently, at the time the coach made the decision to cancel practice, the weather looked a bit ominous, so he canceled it. He also canceled practice for Wednesday, because he can't be there. I'm going to be suffering some major tennis withdrawal by Thursday. The Wabash meet is tomorrow. This is one of our bigger meets, as Wabash is a long-time rival. Apparently, they are also ranked higher than us, so we really want to win. Now, I won't be playing, but I'm still going to root the team on. It will also give me the opportunity to stop in at the TKE house and see what's up with the guys there. I'm taking Amanda with me, since she also has a lot of good friends there.

Thinking about graduation has made me think about my long term goals. Actually, my long term goals have been pretty well set since back in high school. Although I'm studying chemical engineering, I don't want to be an engineer the rest of my life. I actually want to become a missionary in Central or South America. I've known that this was my calling for a long time. The chemical engineering degree will hopefully open doors for me, as well as provide a means of supporting myself. I've also been one with a real desire to help others, in whatever way I can. I think that an engineering degree will enable me to help others, especially if I end up in a developing country somewhere in Central or South America. That plan should also explain the Spanish minor. I've studied Spanish for about 7 years, although I haven't used in in a year or two, so I'm a little rusty. I actually tested as fluent when I graduated high school, so when the time comes, I'm sure I won't have much trouble picking it back up. I would love to take some time after graduation this summer and go on another mission trip. I think it would be an excellent way to remind myself why I have set the long-term goals that I have set, right before starting some job at fifty thousand dollars a year. Money has never been all that important to me, but I don't want to get comfortable working as a chemical engineer and lose sight of my ultimate dreams. I'll have to see if I can afford it, though. If God wants me to go, he will provide the way. Of that, I am confident.

Well, life is back to normal, at least socially. The Woods and ISU are both back from spring break, which means that all the people I normally talk to and hang out with are around again. Not that I don't talk to or hang out with other Rose-Hulman students, but just going on the number of students here compared with the other schools, I have as many non-Rose friends as Rose friends.

So I think I've written enough for today. I'll get tomorrow's entry done when I get back from Wabash tomorrow night.