This week's Christian Carnival is up, hosted by Light Along the Journey - the "Innovative Edition."
This week's Carnival of the Cats is hosted this week by Justin's Random Thoughts, assisted by the apparently xenophilic Bruiser. I am, of course, included. How could I not be?
This week's Friday Ark has landed. I board this week with today's post.
This week's Christian Carnival is up, hosted by Adam's Blog. No particular theme this week, though every contribution is associated with a verse. My contribution is associated with James 1:8.
This week's Carnival of the Cats is hosted by Catcall. Apparently, I am considered to be an extra (albeit, an "important" one) in this week's movie-production themed carnival - but one day, the world will be mine!
Besides, a face like this belongs in lights!
My coat looks so shiny under this light!
Photo © Chip Bennett, all rights reserved.
The Friday Ark is up at The Modulator. Go find out if I've boarded yet!
Wittenberg Gate is hosting this week's Christian Carnival. This week's theme: the St. David's Day/Ash Wednesday edition.
My contribution this week is my February 27th OYB post about the dichotomy of belief and holiness versus not sinning.
Animal Family is hosting the 101st edition of the Carnival of the Cats. My cuteness demanded inclusion in this week's list.
The Friday Ark #75 is up at The Modulator. Check back later to see if my submissions have been posted!