OYB April 14

Filed in ReligionTags: Christianity, Devotions, One Year Bible

Posted April 15, back-dated.

Today´s reading:
OT: Joshua 9:3-27, Joshua 10
NT: Luke 16:19-31, Luke 17:1-10
Ps: Psalm 83
Pr: Proverbs 13:4

Today´s notable verse:

The men of Israel sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the LORD.

Joshua 9:14 (NIV)

Oh, how we are deceived when, like the Israelites, we fail to inquire of the Lord! How we bring disaster on ourselves! How many times do we make rash or hasty decisions out of our own understanding and capacity, and without inquiring of the Lord, only to find out afterward that the decision was wrong, or that we had been unknowingly deceived? We serve an omniscient and omnipresent God, from whom nothing is kept hidden - and yet, to our own detriment, we fail to take the obvious and simple step of seeking His wisdom before making decisions in our lives.

The One Year Bible Blog's commentary for today.