Iraqi Parliament Elects a “Kurdish” President

Filed in PoliticsTags: War on Terror

Gateway Pundit cheers the continuing successes of the nascent Iraqi democracy:

Wow... I thought that this was a country divided among warring minority factions? That's what the MSM has been saying since they were dragging that metal statue head of Saddam through the streets of Baghdad. But, now we here news that the newly elected parliament (you may recall that January 30th election?) just elected a Kurdish President!

Granted, the power-sharing structure was pre-determined, such that Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish factions would each hold one of the elected offices of Prime Minister, Speaker, and President (if I recall correctly); but having the General Assembly accomplish these elections peacefully certainly represents a watershed moment for the new government. (Which means the MSM will probably bury the story - or, at the very least, its signifigance.