- Del Rio alleges Colts pipe in noise, condones cheating by his own staff/players: Coaches signal player to "fake injury" http://sbn.to/hJqjsN #
- @pwilson24 @nickclason if it wasn't, then it was illegal. His hand *clearly* went above the shoulder; by definition illegal: Rule 10.1.1 in reply to pwilson24 #
- @pwilson24 FWIW, that was *exactly* what he said the day after the Eagles-game concussion that kept him out 5 weeks. in reply to pwilson24 #
- @PeytonsHead or is that: Favre picked off right where he let up? in reply to PeytonsHead #
- @LovinBlue and Peeps in reply to LovinBlue #
- The #Colts win 34-24, reclaim 1st place in AFC South. #takingcareofbusiness #
- @18to88 could have done without all of those 20- and 25-yard pass plays... in reply to 18to88 #
- @Skitzzo you should qualify that statement... what of other countries where that is the accepted pronunciation? in reply to Skitzzo #
- By the way: the #Colts should try that fake-fair-catch play sometime. Or does that crap only fail to get called *against* us? #
- @GuysGirl @TDJaxTim good game. in reply to GuysGirl #
- @Tweez41 more than just two to go! in reply to Tweez41 #
- @LovinBlue the hand went up. End of story. Gunners don't have time/luxury to discern between hand-above-shoulder and hand-above-head in reply to LovinBlue #
- @LovinBlue Fortunately, the #Colts were good enough today to prevent it being an issue. in reply to LovinBlue #
- @18to88 @riddering the talking heads on TV (incl. Dungy) were criticizing that call. They're wrong. It was absolutely the right call. in reply to 18to88 #
- Bellicheat looks like he wants to eat someone's head after the Packers just suckered him by electing to kick & then recovering the onside #
- @ryancduff @WPAdvent if only it were available for Kindle... in reply to ryancduff #
- @ryancduff yes, but I can't one-click buy it through the Amazon Kindle store, and have it delivered to my Kindle via wi-fi 🙂 in reply to ryancduff #
- @trubluecoltsfan did @davidgarrard9 delete that tweet? It's not showing in his timeline. in reply to trubluecoltsfan #
- @trubluecoltsfan oh, yeah, me too. It's an old tweet. Thought you were RTing something from today. in reply to trubluecoltsfan #
- Shades of Grace 1880s Country Church Bluegrass Christmas http://twitpic.com/3h8y2s #
- @OneFineJay @LisaSabinWilson @jschuller & Child-Theme concept is currently being abused, but I guess we're not ready to cross that bridge in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay Child Themes are intended for the user to make update-proof Theme changes, but are instead being used as premium-Theme skins in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay I guess I'm sold on @iandstewart's view re: framework/Theme/child-Theme. But if users are happy, what do I care, really? in reply to OneFineJay #
- @andreasnrb I agree, but the feature was rolled out without any real guidelines regarding intended use/best practice. in reply to andreasnrb #
- @LovinBlue @pwilson24 like they can stop him even if they game-plan for him... that pass defense is... not good. in reply to LovinBlue #
- @andreasnrb agreed, but it also sets a bad precedent for others to implement. I thought about, but decided against, doing that for Oenology in reply to andreasnrb #
- @OneFineJay yeah, http://is.gd/iRhxD is the one. I meant @justintadlock, not @iandstewart (though I'd wager his views are at least similar) in reply to OneFineJay #
- @andreasnrb how so? Tthere are certainly valid uses for Child Themes. in reply to andreasnrb #
- @andreasnrb then a previously-met need has been reintroduced, as it now is unmet by Child Themes. Will we eventually see grandchild Themes? in reply to andreasnrb #
- @OneFineJay have you taken a look at Oenology? http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/oenology <- all feedback/comments/criticism welcome! in reply to OneFineJay #
- @flashingcursor there's definitely an opportunity for education there. I see no problem with devs adding Theme-specific functions to Themes in reply to flashingcursor #
- @coltsgirl17 it's a hoax. in reply to coltsgirl17 #
- @pwilson24 lol @vitostellino is either a moron, a homer, or both, and probably just jealous the #jags can't fill their own home stadium in reply to vitostellino #
- @GuysGirl @TDJaxTim you've clearly never been to a #Colts game in Indy. BTW, apparently in #jax attendance is optional at Tarp Field in reply to GuysGirl #
- @GuysGirl @TDJaxTim I see you like to trash talk. I'll let the game speak for itself. If the #Jags win, I'll congratulate them. in reply to GuysGirl #
- @zamoose @wptavern if the Hello Dolly lyrics are copyrighted, no court would uphold the Hello Dolly Plugin as fair-use infringement in reply to zamoose #
- @zamoose I agree, which is why I commented on the ticket. But disagreement appears to get labeled as "trolling" in that ticket. in reply to zamoose #
- I just took the 2010 WPCandy WordPress Users Survey. You should too! http://wpcandy.com/surveys #wpcandy #
- One year ago, my precious niece, my wife's namesake, was killed in a car crash. May God give comfort & peace to all who mourn her loss today #
- I love #WordPress and Coffee, so I want a #Tassimo BrewBot from @wpbeginner – http://wpbeg.in/hPNSEo (RT to Enter) #
- @JellyBeen @lorelleonwp there is no pre-commit testing of Plugins in Extend. If malicious commits are found, let @mark_r know & he'll ban in reply to JellyBeen #
- Another win for ADULT stem cells! RT @mvandemar Drs say stem cell transplant cured patient of AIDS: http://www.aidsmap.com/page/1577949/ in reply to mvandemar #
- @ryancduff @andyrutledge you could always turn on the safe-search filter... in reply to ryancduff #
- @itsananderson if it can be built into the SVN-commit process, sure. Maybe @Otto42 or @nacin would know if it's possible? in reply to itsananderson #
- @flashingcursor @onefinejay actually @frumph does exactly what you're wanting: http://frumph.net/plugin-certification/ in reply to flashingcursor #
- @flashingcursor @OneFineJay but it has to start *somewhere*. If WPF aren't willing yet to take it on, might as well be the community, eh? in reply to flashingcursor #
- @flashingcursor @OneFineJay the sad truth is, "WPF" is an entity in-name-only. It has no current functions. Hopefully that changes soon. in reply to flashingcursor #
- @flashingcursor p.s. happy birthday! in reply to flashingcursor #
- @OneFineJay @Frumph @flashingcursor no in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay @nacin @flashingcursor @frumph How can it be reviewed pre-commit? There's nothing to review until the dev commits plugin to SVN in reply to OneFineJay #
- @andreasnrb there's a form field, yes, but do you *really* think @mark_r has time to eyeball code for every single new Plugin submitted? in reply to andreasnrb #
- @mark_r dude, you do yeoman's work with the Plugin Repo. You definitely deserve a raise! in reply to mark_r #
- Another reason I'm glad we dumped them for #charter broadband: AT&T DSL now actively blocking Linux desktop users http://bit.ly/dKFmsr #
- @CharterGeorge as a long-time Linux user, I appreciate that! in reply to CharterGeorge #
- @davecoveney it is immoral to deprive me of my ability to send my kids to college, by govt taking that $ to send other kids to college in reply to davecoveney #
- @Skitzzo I've threatened to de-friend anyone who adds me to a FB group without first asking my permission. in reply to Skitzzo #
- @OneFineJay @keder it's a typical liberal avoidance tactic. Preventing "labeling" of beliefs prevents effective discussion/refutation in reply to OneFineJay #
- @davecoveney I'm not rich. Should my kids suffer b/c I'm not poor? Also: govt-forced wealth redistribution is wrong and counter-productive. in reply to davecoveney #
- @OneFineJay straight out of "1984", in fact. #nolabels = #doubleplusungood in reply to OneFineJay #
- @nathanrice @davecoveney BINGO. What I've earned is mine. As a matter of principle, it is immoral to take it from me against my will. in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice @davecoveney btw, those who take my stance (AKA "conservatives") are proven to be more voluntarily charitable w/ their money in reply to nathanrice #
- @dougal Smarter Post Formats? http://t.co/nnCdi1b <- this is a #wordpress MUST-READ! in reply to dougal #
- @davecoveney @nathanrice voluntary charitable contributions are both more effective & more efficient than govt-forced wealth redistribution in reply to davecoveney #
- @davecoveney I'm a 10th Amdmt proponent. Fed govt. should only tax States, and only States should be able to tax individuals. in reply to davecoveney #
- @davecoveney some taxation is appropriate, necessary, and good. Wealth redistribution is none of the above. in reply to davecoveney #
- @davecoveney but what is per-capita GDP in France compared to USA? Lack of personal-wealth incentive lowers production incentive. in reply to davecoveney #
- @davecoveney ...and that lack of production incentive lowers overall wealth. A receding tide lowers all ships. in reply to davecoveney #
- The registrar has taken down top-themes.com due to malicious content in #wordpress Themes the site was distributing. One down, many to go! #
- A great mystery was solved tonight. My wife and I suspected we were being lied to for the past 6 months; that suspicion was just confirmed. #
- @ewerickson what are they talking about. The #nolabels seat at the table has been there all along. It's the unlabeled place setting. in reply to ewerickson #
- @hostagehoosier if you ever had a geek card, it totally just got revoked in reply to hostagehoosier #
- @txhusker34 I know we need the Texans to lose, but I have to admit to enjoying watching the "vaunted" Ravens defense choke like this in reply to txhusker34 #
- Note to Bill Cowher: please learn rules before commenting on them. Hits to the head are illegal against *all* players, not just defenseless #
- @Shake1n1bake the Jags just scored too quickly. But I'm not confident the Raiders will take advantage of it. Here's hoping! in reply to Shake1n1bake #
- @carlhancock @Skitzzo I'm 100% on helmet-leading and helmet-to-helmet hits on all players; mostly confident on hits to the head. in reply to carlhancock #
- @carlhancock @Skitzzo all helmet-tp-helmet hits are illegal, not just against "defenseless" players: http://bit.ly/idH5xG in reply to carlhancock #
- @davecoveney student loans? I have 2 kids to help get through college. It is immoral for govt to take my $ for other kids' college in reply to davecoveney #
- This Just In: Chrissy Collinsworth(less) is a moron. Common sense dictates that Jackson's demonstration was excessive & unsportsmanlike #
- @Pat1McAfee I'm just glad that my #Colts players have enough class not to do unsportsmanlike crap like that in reply to Pat1McAfee #
- My first-ever #WordPress core patch (in all its 16-character glory)! http://bit.ly/aB76tP #
- @nacin and I appreciate your help! in reply to nacin #
- @lorib Thanks! in reply to lorib #
- @paullamach you should! It's so easy, even *I* can do it. 🙂 in reply to paullamach #
- @JohnJamesJacoby thanks! in reply to JohnJamesJacoby #
- @wpmuguru @mark_r "sounds" painful? Did you not see his twitpics?!? Ouch! in reply to wpmuguru #
- @JellyBeen thanks! 🙂 in reply to JellyBeen #
- @JellyBeen @WPTRT I did?!? in reply to JellyBeen #
- @janeforshort those church bake-sale cookies sure are coming in handy! in reply to janeforshort #
- @JellyBeen .wp-caption-text already exists; but is only applied to single images & not to gallery images. My patch applies it to the latter in reply to JellyBeen #
- @simpledream but @nacin beat me; his first patch was only 12 characters. I #blamenacin for my failure to change the world. in reply to simpledream #
- @itsananderson depends on CSS specificity. Properly written CSS should apply appropriately; regardless, this is correct semantic approach in reply to itsananderson #
- @JellyBeen @itsananderson only if CSS is written improperly. This only adds a class to an element; .gallery-caption class is still applied in reply to JellyBeen #
- @JellyBeen you're losing me on that one. It's semantic CSS. An image caption is an image caption. in reply to JellyBeen #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen yep; that would need to be fixed; it's non-semantic. This encourages better CSS definitions! 😉 in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson this change won't cause a Theme to break. in reply to itsananderson #
- @JellyBeen again, only if the CSS is not well-written. in reply to JellyBeen #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen .wp-caption-text is semantic class. Differentiate w/ e.g. .wp-caption .wp-caption-text & .gallery .wp-caption-text in reply to itsananderson #
- @JellyBeen but there *is* a union - a semantic union: both are image captions in reply to JellyBeen #
- @JellyBeen exactly! 🙂 This helps us encourage better CSS definitions. in reply to JellyBeen #
- @feckitorg @simpledream @nacin you win! in reply to feckitorg #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen see also: .wp-caption .wp-caption-text vs. .gallery .wp-caption-text.gallery-caption 🙂 in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson again: there's no "breakage" involved. 🙂 in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson the problem with it is, that class already exists, as .wp-caption-text, so a new class would be redundant. in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson there have been recent core changes that have *much* more impact on Themes - ones that cause *actual* breakage in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson the biggest example is removal of "legacy" support (using template files from default Theme) for Themes in 3.0. in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen I like the idea, except that it would be better as .single-image-caption, to contrast .gallery-caption (cont) in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen and regardless, I think .wp-caption-text should apply to both gallery and single images (semantically correct) in reply to itsananderson #
- @itsananderson @JellyBeen note also: single-image captions are in a <P> container, and gallery-image captions are in a <DT> container. in reply to itsananderson #
- @andrea_r @wpmuguru I wish I hadn't; saving grace was realizing that it had to hurt him FAR worse than it nauseated me. in reply to andrea_r #
- @itsananderson I guess I see it as such minor impact that, in this case, it's better to educate regarding proper CSS defs/specificity in reply to itsananderson #
- @jeroen thanks! in reply to jeroen #
- @cnjcbs @nacin I know; /me is a slacker, eh? 😉 Thanks! in reply to cnjcbs #
- @themelab awesome; thanks! I'll edit the post to add that video. It's just too perfect. in reply to themelab #
- @nkuttler thanks! (and nice patch, yourself...) in reply to nkuttler #
- @davecoveney that which we obtain to easily we esteem too lightly. A college education should be earned via hard work & financial sacrifice in reply to davecoveney #
- @abrishca thanks! in reply to abrishca #
- @davecoveney what's wrong with working while in school, or working and saving up to afford one's own tuition? I did both. in reply to davecoveney #
- @JimIrsay tell the guys to enjoy your 10 days off. Y'all have earned it! Thanks for keeping our hope alive! in reply to JimIrsay #
- @floressalicis @lovinblue people who have birdcages and need lining material, perhaps? in reply to floressalicis #
- @OneFineJay is accumulation of furries a good or bad thing? in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay depends on the exact nature of these "furries" in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay but, with respect to furries, I'm probably more of an add-to-the-accumulation type in reply to OneFineJay #
- @jmcc65 didn't realize. Happy Birthday! in reply to jmcc65 #
- @photomatt Marcel wants his foam back. #topchef in reply to photomatt #
- @Otto42 @nathanrice @wptavern and empty steins, of course in reply to Otto42 #
- @williamsba you, too?!? in reply to williamsba #
- @williamsba just tell me where to sign up. I think that thing would look just perfect sitting on my desk at work. 😉 in reply to williamsba #
- @dmataconis but there's always Saturday Night (Live)! in reply to dmataconis #
- @wpmuguru @Ipstenu that might be going a bit far. When they realize there are no pictures, they'll just put it right back down. in reply to wpmuguru #
- @photomatt now that's just cheesy. in reply to photomatt #
- @Otto42 you might want to add a CSS max-width / height:auto to Theme screenshot.png display on WPORG profile pages: http://bit.ly/eBXIfk #
- Only Download WordPress Themes From Trusted Sources - http://bit.ly/i0e1my #wordpress @Otto42 @ThemeLab #
- @FurciferRising my site is? Perhaps it is my CDN, @cloudflare that's telling you your phone has malware? in reply to FurciferRising #
- @CloudFlare ah, but I don't want to drop my security setting to low. I'm cautious like that. 🙂 in reply to CloudFlare #
- @wptavern I've reported 1 of the actual malware sites. I will report the others, as well. Beyond that, there's not much Google can/should do in reply to wptavern #
- @Otto42 @wptavern @mattcutts the problem is, outside of the actual malware (worm), adding spam links/encoded content to Themes isn't illegal in reply to Otto42 #
- @Otto42 I know, but de-listing is a pretty big deal. I'm just trying to be realistic. Maybe we *can* convince them to de-list this crap. in reply to Otto42 #
- @wptavern much, MUCH more impactful - at least right now - will be a PSA campaign from the #wordpress community to educate users in reply to wptavern #
- @DWcourse that would help with the 25% of such sites that are violating #wordpress #039;s TM, but would require actual enforcement effort by WPF in reply to DWcourse #
- @DWcourse sadly, @photomatt's strategy right now appears to be to have #wordpress community members, rather than WPF, alert violating sites in reply to DWcourse #
- @wptavern if @themelab doesn't mind, I'll embed that video in my post, too in reply to wptavern #
- @Otto42 @wptavern all we can do is try, right? I'll be reporting them to Google and the StopBadware.org people in reply to Otto42 #
- @CloudFlare thanks for that! in reply to CloudFlare #
- @Skitzzo Voyage of the Dawn Treader, right? That should have made for an awesome movie. in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Skitzzo I dunno... I like that they're staying true to the tenor of the books (audience: youth) in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Skitzzo I'm still waiting for my girls to be old enough to watch LWW in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Pat1McAfee you and AV make quite the pair. Great pic! in reply to Pat1McAfee #
- @JimIrsay I'll have whatever coffee you're having! in reply to JimIrsay #