Today is three months. Happy Anniversary, Erica!
I updated the Theater section, and archived some January messages.
I updated the Alpha Chi Sigma and Pi Kappa Alpha sections.
I made some minor corrections to the Family section, and also added some links.
I updated the About section. All the info about my college organizations was redundant with the info available on my RHIT homepage, so I removed it from here. I also added in information about my future plans.
I updated the Atkins section. I hope to have some good before/after pictures soon, and will be adding recipes as I finish them.
I made some internal changes to the site, that should help with faster load time. I also scrapped the Star Wars section; it will be absorbed into the movies section.
I updated Erica's section, with some more banquet pictures. I love you, honey. Thanks for a great weekend!
I updated the Theater section. Expect to see some journal entries starting soon.
I'm also playing around with the color scheme. I was not liking the yellow/gray contrast of the text with the background in the center column.
I finally have some pictures of Erica! Thanks to the new toy I got last week (my new digital camera), I can post pictures now. Right now, all I've added are this picture, and the picture of Erica in the Erica section.
Any errors you may have experienced should be resolved now. Those one or two people who actually know about this site, thanks for your patience!
Doing some other testing today, but it shouldn't cause any errors.
Doing some JavaScript testing today... my apologies for the (hopefully) temporary errors you
After three weeks out of work due to mono, I started back to work this week. The doctor has cleared me for working, and for physical activity, limited only by my own fatigue. So, I'm going to attempt to play indoor soccer with the office team this Friday night.
I updated the Family section and started the Erica section.
I have added the Family and Movies sections.
I have started the Pi Kappa Alpha and Alpha Chi Sigma sections.