Well, it's been a while since I've written, so I will try to get caught up on what's been going on. At the end of this week, I will *finally* be done with my project at Lilly in Indianapolis. For the record, I have been living in a hotel for about three and a half months now. The sad part is, I will still have to come back down here for a day sometime in the future, in order to perform the testing I was supposed to do TWO MONTHS ago! In the meantime, I have been helping out on other projects related to the validation effort for the building that my original project is in. I still like being in Indy, but have just been in a hotel for too long. My boss and I actually discussed me moving down here at the end of June, but that idea was passed over for a bigger, better plan. I have to keep quiet about exactly *what* that plan is, but suffice it to say, I will be the major player. As we put this new plan (hereafter referred to as, The Plan) into motion, I will be staying in Kalamazoo. I'm still hoping that I get to move to Indy sometime in the future, but am happy staying in Kalamazoo for the present.
In other news, Erica and I have now been dating for over seven months. Things are progressing really well. She went with me to visit my parents in Maryland over Memorial Day weekend. We had a great time, spent time in DC, as well as on Solomon's Island, and (of course), my parents loved her. This past weekend, we celebrated my 24th birthday. We spent the day in Indianapolis - we went to the zoo (and saw the dolphin show while we were there), wandered around downtown Indy, including Circle Centre, and took a horse-drawn carriage ride around Monument Circle and through University Park, by the War Memorial. After that, we ate a fabulous dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House. All-in-All, one of my best birthdays ever. Other memorable birthdays include the one spent while on one of my mission projects, and the one spent at Universal Studios on the band trip to Florida right after graduation (where I was the drum major, and on the same trip, got to lead the *entire* Mickey Mania parade at Disney World). But, neither of those compare to a birthday spent with someone you care so much for, and who feels the same about you.
This weekend, Erica and I begin our Wedding Season, during which time we will be attending three weddings in a period of four weekends. This weekend, we will be in Peru, IN, for the wedding of one of my social fraternity brothers to a good friend of mine, also from my college years. The following weekend, we will be in Columbus, OH, for the wedding of one of Erica's friends, for whom Erica is the Maid of Honor. Then, two weekends after that, we will be back in Indianapolis, IN, for the wedding of my best friend - and varsity doubles tennis partner - from high school. Just before that wedding, Erica and I will be celebrating her 21st birthday and our 8-month anniversary (what is the correct term?) on the same day, and then Independence Day. So, this month is going to be really busy!
In other news, now that I feel comfortable as a resident and citizen of Kalamazoo, I have started feeling the urge once again to get involved in politics. Last week, I contacted the Kalamazoo County Republican Party, and will be getting involved as soon as I'm back in town. First, I will be helping to update and maintain the Kalamazoo GOP web site. Other than that, I will just be volunteering, and hope to get involved with the Public Relations committee.
Well, that should just about have me caught up on what's been going on. Hopefully, I can get back to writing daily again.