The Myth Of Liberal Tolerance

Filed in Politics

Michelle Malkin on the duplicity of the MSM:

These physical attacks targeting conservatives on campus and in the public square are getting more frequent. (See Kristol, Coulter, Perle, Harris, and the conservative kid who got kicked by a left-wing nut professor, for starters.) The Left continues to snicker about it. The MSM makes light of it (CBS: 'A Dressing-Down For Pat Buchanan'; NPR: 'What's a little pie in the face?'). And for the most part, college administrators let the thugs get away with it.

Let me explain part of why I am a conservative: I believe that humans consist of one, single race; that humans were created in God's image; and that humans should be seen as individuals, not as a gender, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual preference, weight, philosophy, political view, or any other division, faction, or pigeonhole. Now, humans have not been perfect in this ideology; but it was the Republican Party - the party of Lincoln, formed on an anti-slavery platform - that led the charge to end slavery, pioneered women's suffrage rights, and led the Civil Rights movement.

Granted, the Democrat party stands behind Affirmative Action, reparations, and other liberal interests. However, in our current system, laws exist to protect against discrimination, and Affirmative Action acts only as legalized, reverse discrimination and is an insult to those who supposedly "benefit" from it.

I'm a pretty thick-skinned person, but I've even had to deal with liberal (in)tolerance. I even left a group Bible study because apparently my conservative views were the only ones not tolerated in such an ostensibly open-minded group. The last straw was being ostrasized for having the audacity to claim that the rebels who took school children hostage in Beslan, Russia last year were Muslim - when in fact, the Chechnans are Muslim, and the terrorists who carried out the attack included Arab Islamist fanatics.

As it stands right now, conservatives are winning the majority of political and social polemics of our day - but the fight has become one-sided. While conservatives debate the message, liberals by default resort to attacking the messenger. The level of political and social discourse has so degraded in our society that I truly cherish the few liberal friends with whom I can discuss issues on a purely ideological level. They are becoming all too rare, unfortunately.


Filed in PoliticsTags: War on Terror

Just a link tip tonight: IRAQ THE MODEL is one of the best Iraqi blogs I have found. The contributors:

-Mohammed: 35 years old dentist/single/graduated from Baghdad university in 1995. Left his job 6 years ago because he refused to serve in Saddam's army, and now back to work in Samawa City in the southwest part of Iraq. Interests: poetry, reading (history, religions, philosophy and politics).

-Omar (I'm the one responsible for the publishing and internet work): 24 years old dentist/single/graduated from Baghdad university in 2002. Saved from the military service only by God and the coalition. Now working in Basra. Interests: music, sports (martial arts), reading (novels) and now blogging. We were all born in Baghdad and still living here.

Great commentary on Iraq, from the Iraqi perspective.

Sandy Berger Pleads Guilty

Filed in Politics

Are those classified documents in your pants or are you just happy to see me?:

Remember the story of Sandy Bergler and the missing classified documents? Well, he finally plead guilty to stealing the classified documents. But he and his fans can't seem to comprehend why we have laws in this country. When the news broke, Bill Clinton, the man who hired this guy to be National Security Advisor laughed. Now wonder the Democrats can't win an election... they view national security as a joke.

(Hat tip: GOP Bloggers)

(Temporary: original Haloscan Comments - Comments)

Terri Passes

Filed in Science, Social IssuesTags: Sanctity of Life

From Gateway Pundit: Terry Schiavo has passed on:

I am the bread of life, all who come to me shall not hunger
All who believe in me shall not thirst
No one can come to me, unless the Father beakon

And I will raise you up, and I will raise, you up, and I will raise you up, on the last day!
Unless you eat of the flesh of the son of man
And drink of His blood, and drink of His blood, you cannot have life within you

Terri Shiavo passes today.
God Rest Her Soul...


Blogger Blogging Befuddled By Bugs

Filed in Web DevelopmentTags: Blogger, Web Site

It's not my fault, really... Blogger's been having server issues affecting posting and BlogThis.

Things seem to be working again as of this morning...

Koran Scholar: US Will Cease to Exist in 2007

Filed in Religion

This Jerusalem Post article reports on the Koran's purported prediction of the Great Satan's impending doom:

A thorough analysis of the Koran reveals that the US will cease to exist in the year 2007, according to research published by Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi.

The study, which has caught the attention of millions of Muslims worldwide, is based on in-depth interpretations of various verses in the Koran. It predicts that the US will be hit by a tsunami larger than that which recently struck southeast Asia.

Basically, a crackpot Koran "scholar" uses some especially laughable numerology (remember Bill Gates is Satan?) to come to the conclusion that the US is term-limited to 231 years. Oh, yes, and the US is a parallel of Pharaoh:

Drawing parallels between Pharaoh and the US, who share the same "sin" of arrogance and excessive pride, Silwadi noted that the Koran mentions at least 12 times the fact that Pharaoh was punished by drowning for his evil deeds.

So, naturally, we all have a bi-coastal tsunami to look forward in 2 short years.

Of course, if the Koran hadn't been written from the hallucenogenic rantings of a murderous, raving lunatic, I might be worried. (Hat Tip: Horsefeathers)

Paul Krugman, Times Columnist, Declared Insane

Filed in PoliticsTags: Media Bias

RightWing Nut House reports something we already knew to be true:

Famed New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, shouting "I'm just as sane as any other liberal," was dragged off to Bellevue Mental Hospital this morning after it became clear he had gone stark, raving mad.

Be sure your coffee cup is safely away from your mouth, especially when you get to the part referencing MoDo... (Hat Tip: Hugh Hewitt)

Conservatism, Rule of Law, and Life

Filed in Politics, Science, Social IssuesTags: Judiciary, Sanctity of Life

Instapundit argues the point that Conservatism holds the process and rule of law above all else:

But I do think that process, and the Constitution, matter. Trampling the Constitution in an earnest desire to do good in high-profile cases has been a hallmark of a certain sort of liberalism, and it's the sort of thing that I thought conservatives eschewed. If I were in charge of making the decision, I might well put the tube back and turn Terri Schiavo over to her family. But I'm not, and the Florida courts are, and they seem to have done a conscientious job. Maybe they came to the right decision, and maybe they didn't. But respecting their role in the system, and not rushing to overturn all the rules because we don't like the outcome, seems to me to be part of being a member of civilized society rather than a mob. As I say, I thought conservatives knew this.

But I respectfully disagree. Equally important to Conservatism - especially the Christian Conservatism I espouse - is the sanctity of life. The Right To Life is among the God-endowed rights given to all men, and was considered so important by our Founding Fathers as to be enumerated in the Declaration of Independence (which was, coincidentally, a formal declaration to overthrow the rule of law that had become tyrranical and one that denied those certain, inalienable rights). Even murderers convicted and sentenced to die get decades of appeals before their death is carried out. Terry Schiavo - an innocent woman guilty only of lacking the ability to speak for and defend herself - gets only as long as it takes her to starve (a cruel and unusual punishment by any standards) before her de facto death sentence is carried out.

When the legal process returns such a blatantly incorrect result - especially in matters of life and death - it is fully consistent with Conservatism to work to overturn that result.

After Action Report – Raven 42 Ambushed!

Filed in MiscellaneousTags: Military, War on Terror

9 MPs and a Medic rescue a convoy ambushed by 40-50 terrorists... MPs/Medics:1 - AIF: 0:

About this time, three armored Hummers that formed the MP Squad under call sign Raven 42, 617th MP Co, Kentucky National Guard, assigned to the 503rd MP Bn (Fort Bragg), 18th MP Bde, arrived on the scene like the cavalry. The squad had been shadowing the convoy from a distance behind the last vehicle, and when the convoy trucks stopped and became backed up from the initial attack, the squad sped up, paralleled the convoy up the shoulder of the road, and moved to the sound of gunfire.

Great read...

Blog.chipbennizzle Official memba of tha pajamahizzle

Filed in MiscellaneousTags: Humor/Satire, Internet

Too Pimpin' fo' wizzords, fo' sho', Gizoogle be transliatin' this hizzay blog.