- @simpledream working on updating Theme Unit Test data. Have some questions. Did you get my email yesterday? cc: @iandstewart #
- @18to88 I'm getting a 406 error on that link? in reply to 18to88 #
- @18to88 I'll try, but that sounds strange. I don't have that problem with any other post. in reply to 18to88 #
- @janeforshort @ryancduff especially for an innocent new life, alive is always better than dead. Life is too precious - sacred, even. in reply to janeforshort #
- @davecoveney @janeforshort @ryancduff no. The number of lives is reduced by one: the unborn baby that is killed. in reply to davecoveney #
- @bgardner that's a fairly dumb question. As if the coffee will taste different merely because the logo changes? in reply to bgardner #
- @OneFineJay I'm extremely disappointed in MRC. How about: both are equally class-less? in reply to OneFineJay #
- @dgwyer @bgardner indeed - and right now my mind is telling me to go grind and brew some Starbucks Christmas Blend! 😀 in reply to dgwyer #
- @phej @OneFineJay it seems rather axiomatic to me that being gay does not preclude one from being conservative. We don't need friendly fire in reply to phej #
- @Pat1McAfee no offense if you don't follow me. I'm probably not that entertaining. in reply to Pat1McAfee #
- @mattwiebe oh, that's nice! (But I don't like the capital Q.) in reply to mattwiebe #
- @OneFineJay back there, eh? Where's @technosailor when we need him? in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay I know exactly what you mean; I'm about to put the girls to bed and relax with a cup of coffee. in reply to OneFineJay #
- @mattwiebe I'm sure I'll find a place for it as well. It really is nice-looking. in reply to mattwiebe #
- @davecoveney there was nothing emotive there. A human life is created at conception. That basic biological fact instructs my point of view. in reply to davecoveney #
- @davecoveney I believe that distinction is arbitrary. in reply to davecoveney #
- I'm losing interest in Top Chef. Jamie has cooked crap (or nothing) for three straight weeks, while superior chefs Jennifer & Casey go home #
- @andrea_r that's still too many icons :p in reply to andrea_r #
- @conorpegypt @webdevstudios I found it, too; but I cheated. (I looked at source.) Well-played, @williamsba! in reply to conorpegypt #
- @williamsba we need a WordPress #Colts fans meetup sometime, eh @bgardner, @skitzzo? in reply to williamsba #
- @wptavern how do you know that it flopped? in reply to wptavern #
- @ryancduff @wptavern what he said... I haven't even had a chance to digest it. BTW: many of us read via RSS, which won't show in pageviews in reply to ryancduff #