- @JimIrsay tell the guys to enjoy your 10 days off. Y'all have earned it! Thanks for keeping our hope alive! in reply to JimIrsay #
- @floressalicis @lovinblue people who have birdcages and need lining material, perhaps? in reply to floressalicis #
- @OneFineJay is accumulation of furries a good or bad thing? in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay depends on the exact nature of these "furries" in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay but, with respect to furries, I'm probably more of an add-to-the-accumulation type in reply to OneFineJay #
- @jmcc65 didn't realize. Happy Birthday! in reply to jmcc65 #
- @photomatt Marcel wants his foam back. #topchef in reply to photomatt #
- @Otto42 @nathanrice @wptavern and empty steins, of course in reply to Otto42 #
- @williamsba you, too?!? in reply to williamsba #
- @williamsba just tell me where to sign up. I think that thing would look just perfect sitting on my desk at work. 😉 in reply to williamsba #
- @dmataconis but there's always Saturday Night (Live)! in reply to dmataconis #
- @wpmuguru @Ipstenu that might be going a bit far. When they realize there are no pictures, they'll just put it right back down. in reply to wpmuguru #
- @photomatt now that's just cheesy. in reply to photomatt #
- @Otto42 you might want to add a CSS max-width / height:auto to Theme screenshot.png display on WPORG profile pages: http://bit.ly/eBXIfk #
- Only Download WordPress Themes From Trusted Sources - http://bit.ly/i0e1my #wordpress @Otto42 @ThemeLab #
- @FurciferRising my site is? Perhaps it is my CDN, @cloudflare that's telling you your phone has malware? in reply to FurciferRising #
- @CloudFlare ah, but I don't want to drop my security setting to low. I'm cautious like that. 🙂 in reply to CloudFlare #
- @wptavern I've reported 1 of the actual malware sites. I will report the others, as well. Beyond that, there's not much Google can/should do in reply to wptavern #
- @Otto42 @wptavern @mattcutts the problem is, outside of the actual malware (worm), adding spam links/encoded content to Themes isn't illegal in reply to Otto42 #
- @Otto42 I know, but de-listing is a pretty big deal. I'm just trying to be realistic. Maybe we *can* convince them to de-list this crap. in reply to Otto42 #
- @wptavern much, MUCH more impactful - at least right now - will be a PSA campaign from the #wordpress community to educate users in reply to wptavern #
- @DWcourse that would help with the 25% of such sites that are violating #wordpress #039;s TM, but would require actual enforcement effort by WPF in reply to DWcourse #
- @DWcourse sadly, @photomatt's strategy right now appears to be to have #wordpress community members, rather than WPF, alert violating sites in reply to DWcourse #
- @wptavern if @themelab doesn't mind, I'll embed that video in my post, too in reply to wptavern #
- @Otto42 @wptavern all we can do is try, right? I'll be reporting them to Google and the StopBadware.org people in reply to Otto42 #
- @CloudFlare thanks for that! in reply to CloudFlare #
- @Skitzzo Voyage of the Dawn Treader, right? That should have made for an awesome movie. in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Skitzzo I dunno... I like that they're staying true to the tenor of the books (audience: youth) in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Skitzzo I'm still waiting for my girls to be old enough to watch LWW in reply to Skitzzo #
- @Pat1McAfee you and AV make quite the pair. Great pic! in reply to Pat1McAfee #
- @JimIrsay I'll have whatever coffee you're having! in reply to JimIrsay #