"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?"
Chip Bennett Chip Auditing WordPress Plugins for License Information - http://bit.ly/drzBjl..
Chip Bennett Chip Only 26% of plugins by @photomatt, @markjaquith, @westi, @ozh, @Viper007bond in #wordpress .org repo disclose license http://bit.ly/cjfJU1..
Chip Bennett Chip Dear Facebook: I don't so much mind the new layout. Really, I don't. However, I absolutely freaking DETEST the News Feed. I always have. I use Status Updates as my default view. At least I *did*, until you (once again) usurped that preference and forced your stupid News Feed (with it's day-old status updates) upon me. Restore the ability to use Status Updates as the default view. I insist..
Chip Bennett Chip Dear Facebook: Oh, now *this* is a good one, too. You now, by default, only display updates from 250 of my friends? (And worse: you don't even tell me about it?) Why do I have to change a setting (News Feed -> Most Recent -> (scroll to bottom) -> Edit Options) just to be able to see updates from *all* my friends?.
Chip Bennett Chip Goodnight, Twitter-land. Thank you for my most-ever-commented blog post. I promise tomorrow's blog post won't be quite so controversial....