OYB: January 1

Filed in ReligionTags: Christianity, Devotions, One Year Bible

Today's reading:
OT: Genesis 1, Genesis 2
NT: Matthew 1, Matthew 2:1-12
Ps: Psalm 1
Pr: Proverbs 1:1-6

The One Year Bible Blog asks several questions today:

Today we read this in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 - "So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them." Do you believe that you are made in the image of God? Is this a powerful thing to reflect upon? What might this mean for your life in 2006, knowing that you are made in the image of God? Does this give you a sense of possibility for your life? A sense that you are made for a great purpose in this life?

Am I made in the image of God? The Bible says it; I believe it. But what, really, does that mean? God clearly created humans uniquely from the rest of all creation - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I believe, at its most foundational meaning, that we are created in the spiritual image of God - something we will not fully grasp until Christ returns, and we are transformed in the image of our glorified Lord. It is that spiritual likeness that enables our reconciliation and relationship with God, when we are made a new creation in Christ, and are given His spirit. That idea, alone, is a powerful thing upon which to reflect; however, I believe our likeness with God is not limited to our spiritual nature.

God has created us uniquely intelligent, self-aware, and willful - all aspects of His character. We have the ability to love as God loves, and we seek out purpose for our lives and - whether or not we recognize it - we seek out our ultimate purpose: relationship with our Creator.

What does this knowledge mean for my life in 2006? Does it give me a sense of possibility and purpose? Absolutely it gives me a sense of possibility and meaning. It means that I must recognize that each day is a gift and privilege, and that I must make the most of every opportunity. I have never doubted that I was created for a purpose, that God formed me with a plan for my life, and that it is up to me to rely on God working in and through me in order to accomplish that purpose. And never before has God's purpose for my life been more clear that it is at the commencement of 2006.

God has brought a beautiful woman and a precious child into my life. He has placed me in a body of believers with an amazing vision for uniting our city for Christ. He has placed me in an occupation in which I can be a light, shining the example of Christ in me, in my work ethic, my integrity, and my attitude.

Today we read this reflection on the godly in Psalm 1 verse 2 - "But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law." How well does this verse ring true with your life today? Do you delight in being obedient to God? Do you think about God's Word, the Bible, day and night? Should you? Will you?

Well now, this verse really gets right to the very heart of living a life of holiness. Do I intend to think about God's law day and night, in everything I do? I think I do. Am I successful? Of course not; I'm human. If I could, I would have no need for a savior. As it is, I am just another hypocrite: preaching one standard, and failing to live up to it. I think this realization is the reason Christians are called to humility, for it is only in our recognition of our own weaknesses and failures that we can allow the saving and transformational power of Christ to work in us.

I think that meeting the standard - keeping God's law on our hearts and in our minds, day and night, is a growth process. It requires preparation - reading, hearing, writing, speaking, and discussing the Word, in order for it to take root in us. It requires practice - consciously deciding to act according to that Word as we are presented with each decision in our lives. It requires patience - accepting that we are still human, and will still make mistakes (and even wrong decisions) despite our best intentions. It requires perseverance - realizing that with each decision, each time we submit our will to God's, we are building upon each previous decision, and allowing the Spirit to transform us into the likeness of Christ for which we were created, and to which we are called.

Today we read in Proverbs chapter 1 verses 2 through 4 a great overview of why we should read and study the Proverbs - "The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings. Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just, and fair. These proverbs will make the simpleminded clever. They will give knowledge and purpose to young people." Do you want wisdom? Do you want discipline in your life? Do you want to do what is right, just and fair? Do you want purpose for your life? Do you believe this journey through the Bible in 2006 will move you forward in these areas? Will you cling to the wisdom of the Proverbs this year?

Yes, please, and all the more! Wisdom and discipline: these virtues are the cornerstone of a life of integrity. They are prerequisites to fulfilling a life of purpose. May the Lord help me build the discipline to stay with this study throughout the year, and give me the strength to cling to the Word each day.