From Jesus to Christ

Filed in ReligionTags: Christianity, Media Bias

Newsweek's Religion Editor Jon Meacham spews more liberal heresy questioning Jesus as the Christ:

How did a Jewish prophet come to be seen as the Christian savior? The epic story of the empty tomb, the early battles and the making of a great faith.

Coincidentally, Jesus of Nazareth never claimed to be a prophet. He claimed to be the Son of God - the Messiah sent to redeem mankind from the curse of death due to sin. He was, knew He was, acted as, and claimed to be God in human flesh. Of course, then there's that whole issue of his death and resurrection. The empty tomb is still a stumbling block today to heretics like Jon Meacham as it was to first century Jews. The resurrection sets Christianity apart from every other world religion. The resurrection confirmed that Jesus is indeed the Christ, and completed God's plan to rescue humanity from sin and bring us back into a full and right relationship with Him - something the Twelve Apostles all believed, and that the authors of the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament wrote about. In fact, something they all believed so deeply and passionately that they gave their lives defending that belief. Somehow I don't think Peter would have allowed himself to be crucified upside down because of his profession of his belief in Jesus as the Christ, if he did not in fact believe with every part of his being that Jesus is the Christ - ditto the rest of the Apostles martyred for their beliefs.

American Thinker does a fantastic job dissecting this garbage.